Next PAC Meeting
Monday Jan 11 @ 6:30pm via Zoom
Come join us for our next "meeting of the minds" via Zoom.
We will be discussing many great things that help our children.
If you are new to the school, please feel free to ask anyone of the Executive's any question that you may have.
Remember, as a parent/guardian of a child in Brent Kennedy you are automatically part of the PAC and you have the right to vote and share your vision of what makes a great school for all of our children.
Explore new ways
Explore new ways
As a parent advisory council, we help raise money to help support our children and their learning environment. In the past we have raised money for learning supplies, gym supplies, winter outdoor supplies, technological tools and so much more.
Each year we align our yearly goals and come up with a plan for this years events and fundraisers.
Keep an eye out for the updates!
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Upcoming Event
PJ and Pizza Day on December 17, 2020
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Upcoming Event