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Parent Involvement = Student Success
The Brent Kennedy Parent Advisory Council (BK PAC) includes parents and guardians of all Brent Kennedy students. The purpose of the PAC is to represent parents with the goal of enhancing the education and well being of students in Brent Kennedy Elementary School. The parent body is an important asset, and parent involvement enriches our school community.
PAC meetings provide an opportunity to socialize with other parents, learn more about the school, and discuss issues of concern to parents, students and staff. The principal gives a report at each meeting, and teaching staff and members of the student council are often invited to speak. In addition, at some meetings, guest speakers from the community give presentations on topics of interest to parents of students.

Cheryl Tereposky
Bridgette Makaroff
Executive Members
Ajla Morrow
Michelle Robertson

30-40 years ago, staff ran the schools and parents were not included in much of anything that dealt with the daily happenings at schools. In the 1970's and 1980's parents began questions education policy and structure and the lack of meaningful involvement.
In 1988 the province of BC struck a Royal Commission on Education:
"Structures should be established at the provincial school district and school levels to ensure that parents are genuinely involved in advising educators and policy makers - local and provincial - in matters related to education programs, services and operations."
In 1989 Parent Advisory Councils were included in the School Act:
8(4) A parents' advisory council, through its elected officers, may:
a) advise the board and the principal and staff of the school or the Provincial school respecting any matter relating to the school or the Provincial school, other than matters assigned to the school planning council, and
b) at the request of the school planning council, assist the school planning council in carrying out its functions under this Act.
In 2001 the school act was amended to include the rights of parents to volunteer in public schools:
7.1 Subject to this Act, the regulations and any rules of a board, a parent of a student may provide volunteer services at or for a school.
In 2002 the school act was amended to include District Parent Advisory Councils:
8.4 (1) Subject to section 67 (5.1), the district parents' advisory council may advise the board on any matter relating to education in the school district.
(2) A district parents' advisory council must make bylaws governing its meetings and the business and conduct of its affairs, including bylaws governing the dissolution of the council.
(3) A superintendent of schools for thee school district, a designate of the superintendent or a trustee of the school district may attend any meeting of the district parents' advisory council.
What does this all mean?
Parental involvement has been around for over a Century but PAC's are only just coming close to their 30's...
What is a PAC?
The recognized voice of parents at a school
How did I end up on it?
Legislation gives you the right and responsibility to participate in your child's education.
Thank you SD8 DPAC for all the info.
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